Who we are
I want to make you feel good, in your body. I spent my life hating my body when it was absolutely beautiful. The Growing pressures of social media and looking a certain way, fitting in with the lastest body trends. Seamless filters and AI create unrealistic expectations of beauty and what it is to be a girl, a woman, a mother. Stretch marks, texture, cellulite and pores are all beautiful and loving yourself is genuinely the best thing you can do. My products are designed for you to spend time with you, appreciate the one body you have and give you confidence to treat the pavement like it’s your catwalk

On A mission
Our mission is to create skincare that will make you glow babe, inside and out. We are fun, outspoken and we celebrate imperfection. We want to educate about skin rather than selling false dreams of ‘perfection’ and ‘quick fixes’. We embrace real skin, real bodies and real babes.

Laura's Story
I have suffered with anxiety for most of my life and had no idea why I felt the way I felt or what it even was. Soon after I moved to London to work in buying, I had a breakdown. It was my amazing friends and family who helped me get through each day, adopting habits into my life that allowed me to control my thoughts; exercise, practising mindfulness and lots and lots of face masks.
The first product I developed was my Viral Pineapple Enzyme Peel Mask which completely transformed my skin and gave my confidence back.
Now, having a baby girl I want to encourage, even more than ever I want her to love her body because I didn't when I was growing up.